Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions

Saturday Morning Posters, May 18, 8:30 am

Banyan Breezeway

Scene Perception: Miscellaneous

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Development: Clinical and high-level

Plasticity and Learning: Models, neural mechanisms

Face and Body Perception: Bodies

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms of social cognition

Multisensory Processing: Neural coding

Multisensory Processing: Development, clinical

Motion: Higher-order


Visual Search: Attention, phenomena 1

Attention: Capture

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Attention: Inattention, attentional blindness, suppression

Decision Making: Decision making and actions

Decision Making: Perceptual decision making 1

Saturday Afternoon Posters, May 18, 2:45 pm

Banyan Breezeway

Motion: Optic flow

Temporal Processing: Neural mechanisms, models

Eye Movements: Learning, expertise, context and faces

Eye Movements: Saccades

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms

Undergraduate Just-In-Time 1


Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual behavior

Multisensory Processing: Illusions, recognition

Object Recognition: High-level features

Object Recognition: Visual preference

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces, materials

Color, Light and Materials: Art, cognition

3D Perception: Depth cue integration, neural mechanisms

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Sunday Morning Posters, May 19, 8:30 am

Banyan Breezeway

Plasticity and Learning: Electrophysiology, brain stimulation

Decision Making: Perceptual decision making 2

Binocular Vision: Eye dominance and rivalry

Color, Light and Materials: Neural mechanisms, models, disorders

Development: Natural experience and eye movements

Pre-Data-Collection Posters


Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Attention: Features, objects 1

Attention: Features, objects 2

Attention: Spatial selection 1

Attention: Spatial selection 2

Eye Movements: Fixational eye movements

Sunday Afternoon Posters, May 19, 2:45 pm

Banyan Breezeway

Object Recognition: Reading

Object Recognition: Acquisition of categories

Scene Perception: Virtual environments, intuitive physics

Spatial Vision: Models

Visual Search: Cueing, context, scene complexity, semantics

Visual Search: Eye movements, suppression


Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making

Visual Memory: Imagery

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features

Action: Reach, grasp, track

Monday Morning Posters, May 20, 8:30 am

Banyan Breezeway

Motion: Illusions

Visual Memory: Encoding, retrieval

Visual Memory: Working memory and development, individual differences, capacity, resolution

Visual Memory: Capacity, long-term memory

Color, Light and Materials: Appearance, categories

Undergraduate Just-In-Time 2


Data Visualization

Visual Search: Neural mechanisms, clinical, applied

Spatial Vision: Crowding, eccentricity

Scene Perception: Categorization

Attention: Tracking, shifting

Attention: Temporal selection

Attention: Divided, resource competition

Plasticity and Learning: Disorders, atypical vision

Tuesday Morning Posters, May 21, 8:30 am

Banyan Breezeway

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness, brightness

Scene Perception: Ensembles, natural image statistics

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Visual Memory: Working memory and encoding, retrieval

Visual Memory: Working memory and behavior, models

Plasticity and Learning: Properties

Binocular Vision: Clinical

Action: Representation


Eye Movements: Natural world and VR

Motion: Detection

Visual Search: Attention, phenomena 2

Decision Making: Perceptual decision making 3

Temporal Processing: Duration, atypical, timing perception

3D Perception: Size, shape, distance

3D Perception: Virtual and augmented reality

Tuesday Afternoon Posters, May 21, 2:45 pm

Banyan Breezeway

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Face and Body Perception: Wholes, parts configurations, features

Visual Search: Memory, search templates

Visual Search: Mechanisms, models

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms, models

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, groups

Pre-Data-Collection Posters


Action: Locomotor, flow, steering

Action: Clinical, neural

Eye Movements: Clinical

Object Recognition: Basic features

Binocular Vision: Disparity, stereopsis and suppression

Object Recognition: Structure of categories

Spatial Vision: Machine learning, neural networks

Wednesday Morning Posters, May 22, 8:30 am

Banyan Breezeway

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, shapes, objects

Spatial Vision: Image statistics, neural mechanisms

Motion: Neural mechanisms

Eye Movements: Perception, cognition and memory

Eye Movements: Accuracy, pursuit and eccentricity


Object Recognition: Models

Face and Body Perception: Models

Face and Body Perception: Disorders, individual differences

Face and Body Perception: Social cognition

Attention: Reward, motivation, emotion

Attention: Exogenous, endogenous, gaze

Undergraduate Just-In-Time Poster Submissions

VSS 2024 is pleased to announce that the “Just-In-Time” poster sessions for undergraduate students working on independent research projects are now open for submissions. Posters will be presented in person at the annual meeting in one of two sessions, either Saturday, May 18 or Monday, May 20.

VSS welcomes and encourages submissions from a diverse group of eligible students across the globe. To help accomplish this goal we are asking that you share this information with any programs within your institutions that sponsor or promote research for undergraduate students.


The submissions to these sessions are limited to students who:

  • Are currently enrolled in a 3-year or 4-year program leading to the bachelor’s degree. Or,
  • Have earned a bachelor’s degree in a 3-year program and are currently in their first year of study in a program leading to a master’s degree. (Students studying in European universities may fall into this category). Those who already have an abstract accepted for VSS 2024 are not eligible.

Space is limited. The window for submissions will open on March 1 and submissions will be accepted through April 1. Presenters will be informed of acceptance by April 11.

You must be a current student member (for 2024) to submit an abstract.

A limited number of travel grants are available for undergraduate students who submit abstracts during the Just-in-Time submission period. Travel application information will be available upon submission of the student’s abstract.

VSS welcomes and encourages submissions from a diverse group of eligible students across the globe. To help accomplish this goal we are asking that you share this information with any programs within your institutions that sponsor or promote research for undergraduate students. For details and to submit an abstract, go to Undergraduate Just-In-time Poster Submission Guidelines.

Submission Policies

  • A student may submit only one abstract to the Just-In-Time session.
  • The student must be a current VSS member (for 2024).
  • The student must be registered to attend VSS.
  • Those who already have an abstract accepted for VSS 2024 are not eligible to submit to the Just-In-Time session.
  • Abstracts must be work that has not been accepted for publication or published at the time of submission.
  • Poster presenter substitutions are not permitted.

Abstract Format

Abstracts are limited to 300 words. This does not include title, authors, and affiliations. Additional space is provided for funding acknowledgments and for declaration of commercial interests and conflicts.

Your abstract should consist of an introduction, methods and results sections, and a conclusion. It is not required that the sections be explicitly labeled as such. It is, however, important that each abstract contains sufficiently detailed descriptions of the methods and the results. Please do not submit an abstract of work that you are planning to do or work without sufficient results to reach a clear conclusion. Such abstracts will not be accepted.

Per the VSS Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Policy, authors must reveal any commercial interests or other potential conflicts of interest that they have related to the work described. Any conflicts of interest must be declared on your poster or talk slides.

Please complete your submission carefully. All abstracts must be in final form. Abstracts are not proofread or corrected in any way prior to publication. Typos and other errors cannot be corrected after the deadline. You may edit your abstract as much as you like until the submission deadline.

Given the just-in-time deadline, some aspects will differ from regular VSS submissions. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the VSS Board of Directors and designates. Accepted abstracts will appear in the VSS 2024 program, but unlike submissions accepted following the December review, “Just-In-Time” abstracts will not appear in the Journal of Vision.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at .

Submission Schedule

Submissions Open: March 1, 2024
Submissions Close: April 1, 2024
Undergraduate Travel Award Application Deadline: April 5, 2024
Notification of Accepted Abstracts: April 11, 2024

How to Submit

Undergraduate Just-in-Time Poster Submissions are Closed.