Abstract Numbering System

Each abstract is assigned a unique 4 or 5-digit number based on when and where it is being presented. Talk presentations are a 4-digit number and Poster presentations are a 5-digit number (the last two digits of a poster are the board number).

The format of the abstract numbering is DT.RN, where D is the Day, T is the Time, R is the Room and N is the presentation Number.

First Digit – DaySecond Digit – TimeThird Digit – RoomFourth-Sixth Digits – Number
2 Saturday1 Early AM talk session1 Talk Room 11, 2, 3… For talks
3 Sunday2 Late AM talk session2 Talk Room 201, 02… For posters
4 Monday3 AM poster session3 Banyan Breezeway
5 Tuesday4 Early PM talk session4 Pavilion
6 Wednesday5 Late PM talk session
6 PM poster session

21.16 Saturday, early AM talk session in Talk Room 1, 6th talk
36.313 Sunday, PM poster session in Banyan Breezeway, poster board 13
53.496 Tuesday, AM poster session in the Pavilion, poster board 96