
The VSS Student and Postdoctoral Committee (SPC) has created a VSS server on the Discord instant messaging platform to facilitate communication among VSS attendees.

Sharing Accommodations

Are you looking to find roommates to share a hotel room or off-site rental?  Check out the#accommodationchannel.

Sharing Rides

Would you like to share a ride to/from the airport or supermarket?  Check out the#ride-sharingchannel.

Sharing Childcare

Are you a parent looking to share childcare with other parents at VSS?  Check out the#childcare-privatechannel. 

For security, this channel is private.  To join it, send a direct message on Discord to @VSSmoderator

Getting to know the VSS community

Would you like to network with people from VSS community organizations?  Check out channels for#fovea for the Females of Vision et al. (FoVea),#visibility(for LGBTQ+ members and allies),#sparkfor the SPARK Society (networking for scientists of color), and#spcfor the Student Postdoc Committee.

How to sign up

Current VSS members and registrants can join the server.  An invitation will be sent to the email address associated with the VSS account for all 2024 registrants and members.  If you do not receive an email today, but would like to join, email for the link.

The VSS Discord server is intended only for the VSS community.  Please do NOT share sign-up information with others or post on public forums (e.g., Twitter/X).  

Information you post is visible to all others who have joined the VSS Discord server.  

Please do not post sensitive information.  For safety, the “childcare” channel has been made private, but still, users of the #childcare-private channel should be careful not to overshare information and should take extended discussions to another medium (e.g., email or text messaging).

Please be respectful.  Communications over Discord will be subject to the VSS Code of Conduct.  Any problematic posts or users will be removed. If problems arise, contact @VSSModerator on Discord or email .