Venue Search FAQ

Update (January 2025): VSS 2027 will be held in Seattle, WA!

VSS 2025: St. Pete Beach, FL

VSS 2026: St. Pete Beach, FL

VSS 2027: Seattle, WA

VSS 2028 and beyond: to be determined

Why did VSS initially decide to look at alternative sites to the Tradewinds in Florida?

Due to requests from a significant proportion of our members, who expressed concerns about safety due to recent changes in Florida laws regarding education, abortion rights, race and gender expression.

What years are we considering holding VSS ‘off-site’ from the TradeWinds”?

Due to existing contractual constraints with the TradeWinds, the first potential off-site year for the conference will be 2027. If successful, we may adopt an alternating model (2027, 2029, 2031, and so on).

Is the decision to alternate sites permanent?

No, the decision is not permanent. We are exploring alternatives for 2027, 2028 and beyond, but location decisions will depend on availability of sites and feedback from the VSS community. If a strong preference emerges for staying at the TradeWinds permanently or leaving it entirely, we will reassess.

What are the main constraints for choosing a venue?

The primary constraints, in no particular order, are:

  • Environmental and Transportation Costs: Venues must be in close proximity to a major airport with direct national and international flights.
  • Conference Expenses: These include hotel room costs, food and beverage minimums, and meeting space fees.
  • Safety: This includes both crime statistics, and the political climate, specifically regarding inclusiveness and attendee safety.
  • Weather: While VSS meets outside the main hurricane season, we must consider the potential impact of hurricanes on venue availability. For example, the TradeWinds was seriously damaged following two hurricanes in Fall 2024.
  • Conference Size: With approximately 2,000 attendees, our conference size presents a unique challenge. Our group is too large for many hotels with meeting spaces to host comfortably. It is also too small for many convention centers, which may result in excessive costs or underutilized space. The venue must strike the right balance while providing a warmth and “personality” that aligns with VSS’s character (casual & friendly). As such, we are most likely looking at a hotel equipped with conference facilities that can accommodate our group size and needs, efficiently and cost-effectively.

What is the VSS Board doing to find an alternate venue?

After the 2024 meeting, the VSS Board formed a sub-committee to evaluate options. This sub-committee is working closely with Shauney Wilson (VSS Executive Director) to investigate sites and negotiate with potential host cities and hotels. 

When will we have a clear idea about viable options?

The VSS sub-committee has thoroughly investigated over 40 potential locations and has narrowed the list to several finalists. Site visits to several locations took place in Winter 2024. We have signed a contract to host VSS 2027 in Seattle, WA. Contracts for 2028 and beyond are under investigation.  

What alternative locations to the TradeWinds are currently being considered?

The current short list includes sites in Denver, Seattle, and Boston. Each of these cities was chosen based on a comprehensive evaluation of the key factors listed above (accessibility, cost, safety, inclusiveness, venue suitability, etc.).

What locations are ruled out, and why?

As mentioned earlier, over 40 potential locations have been evaluated. Below are the primary reasons for excluding some of the most notable options.

Puerto Rico

  • Initial Appeal: Puerto Rico was initially considered due to its tropical setting, unique cultural offerings, and the potential for an affordable venue.
  • Reasons for Exclusion: Concerns about inclusiveness were raised, and the Island’s infrastructure hasn’t fully recovered from the hurricanes of 2017. 


  • Initial Appeal: Europe has numerous advantages, including excellent infrastructure, attractive venues, and ease of travel.
  • Reasons for Exclusion: The Board is worried that a Spring meeting in Europe could negatively impact attendance for ECVP, typically held in August. This worry was shared by some European members of VSS (note that, ECVP not being linked with a society, it could not be formally consulted).


  • Initial Appeal: Canada offers proximity to the U.S., a politically inclusive environment, and world-class venues in cities like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.
  • Reasons for Exclusion: Despite serious consideration, these cities were ultimately ruled out due to high costs, limited availability of suitable venues, and visa challenges for international students studying in the U.S., as well as other international attendees.

Virginia Beach

  • Initial Appeal: Virginia Beach was considered as a potential ‘beachy’ alternative to the TradeWinds, with the added benefit of inclusiveness.
  • Reasons for Exclusion: Lack of accessibility to a major international airport combined with susceptibility to hurricanes presented too great a risk for long-term planning.


  • Initial Appeal: California offers international airport hubs, good weather, and a range of cultural opportunities for attendees.  
  • Reasons for Exclusion: All quotes received from attractive California locations (Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Fransisco) far exceeded our budget. Also, travel distance posed a challenge for a large proportion of VSS attendees, particularly those traveling from Europe or the Middle East. 

How will the venue change impact registration rates and other meeting costs?

Our current research suggests that any alternative to the TradeWinds will likely result in increased hotel and food costs for both VSS and attendees. These increases could be offset by lower travel costs for some attendees. It is also worth noting that costs at the TradeWinds are expected to rise at rates exceeding inflation over the next several years.