A Bayesian analysis of the phylogenetic development of monolexemic color terms in Dravidian languages.

Poster Presentation 26.440: Saturday, May 18, 2024, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Pavilion
Session: Color, Light and Materials: Art, cognition

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Male Shiva Ram1 (), Phani Krishna P2; 1School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad, 2Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi

Color naming and use is a diverse concept, however English and other languages use eleven primary-color prototypes (Berlin and Kay, 1969), pioneering study on color names neglected Dravidian languages that are old. Color vocabulary exists in South Dravidian (Kapp, 2004). We investigated the monolexemic theory of color and proposed employing corpus and Bayesian interference models to build color word evolution and existence. (Male, 2023) on color word categorization may provide insight into the migration of color terminology in Dravidian and other languages. Tamil is a Dravidian language (Kolipakam, 2018) that goes back 4500 years. These theories may aid in our understanding of how cognitive and cultural links generate language. The phylogenetic models' primary results highlighted the history and development of monolexmic color words in Dravidian languages. These evolutionary characteristics of color words demonstrate that color term universality is not advocated in Dravidian languages. Interestingly, monolexmic color terms exist exclusively in Tamil, which is the principal reference that has spread to other languages during the history of development, civilization, and linguistic migrations among the Dravidian culture and geographical territories in India. Implementing phylogenetic models in these monolexmic color terms may disclose new color terms' existence or discovery in Dravidian ancient languages.

Acknowledgements: Prof. Arulmozi, S, CALTS, UoH for Corpus database assistance and The Institute of Eminence-University of Hyderabad