Sunday Afternoon Posters, Pavilion

Poster Session: Sunday, May 19, 2024, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Pavilion


Poster Title

First Author



The object as the unit for state switching in visual working memory

Zhu, Shengnan

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Object center of mass predicts endpoints for free-hand pointing in virtual reality

Schuetz, Immo

Action: Reach, grasp, track


“Repulsive-followed-by-attractive” past-present neural interactions underlie serial dependence

Zhang, Huihui

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Multivariate analysis of structure-function-behavior relations supporting face recognition behavior in autistic and non-autistic adolescents

Qian, Yiming

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Aftereffects following adaptation to face mental images

Salvas-Hébert, Mathias

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


The pupil and the mind’s eye: Portable pupillometry captures robust responses to imaginary light

McPhee, Michael

Visual Memory: Imagery


Examining spontaneous neural activity patterns in developmental prosopagnosia using resting state EEG

Mishra, Maruti

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Chunking as an object: What comes together, goes together

Poungtubtim, Chattarin

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Pupillary Response in Visual Imagery

Hon, Sin Wan Sharon

Visual Memory: Imagery


An Efficient Multimodal fMRI Localizer for High-Level Visual, Auditory, and Cognitive Regions in Humans

Hutchinson, Samuel

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


Like adults, children cannot distinguish between AI-synthesized faces from real ones but exhibit a response bias toward synthesized faces

Chien, Sarina Hui-Lin

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


N170 and N250 sensitivity to diagnostic facial information during whole-face recognition

Audette, Pierre-Louis

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Measuring conscious monitoring and metacognition at the start, middle and end of a reaching movement

Oancea, Gabriela

Action: Reach, grasp, track


Serial dependence in visual working memory could improve representational precision without our awareness

Chiu, Jenny W.S.

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Assessing Visual Mental Imagery in Cerebral Visual Impairment

Manley, Claire E.

Visual Memory: Imagery


Visual working memory load persists during the comparison phase

Zhao, Chong

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Distractor control facilitates an integration of target features in visual working memory

Lee, Hansol

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Behavioural and ERP correlates of eye-movement patterns in face perception

Zhong, Nianzeng

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


Neural correlates of familiar face recognition do not benefit from colour information

Wiese, Holger

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


The relative contribution of face and body for person recognition in infancy

Kobayashi, Megumi

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Effects of sensorimotor adaptation on confidence

Fassold, Marissa

Action: Reach, grasp, track


Flexible allocation of visual selection and action planning during visual working memory

Nasrawi, Rose

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Does confidence predict face-identification accuracy for same-race and other-race faces?

Jeckeln, Geraldine

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Race shapes rapid neural face categorization

Schaller, Pauline

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Concurrent face-selective neural activity across the ventral occipitotemporal cortex revealed with human intracerebral recordings

Jacques, Corentin

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


Iconic Memory is not a Feature Soup

Catington, Mary

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Can we predict vividness from the characteristics of imagined images? A novel database featuring vividness judgments of the Natural Scene Dataset

Landry, Catherine

Visual Memory: Imagery


Rapid adaptation to acceleration during interceptive hand movements

Kreyenmeier, Philipp

Action: Reach, grasp, track


Simultaneous activation of multiple face representations

Lidborg, Linda H.

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


The Dynamics of Visual Working-Memory Partial-Update Depends on Set-size and Spatial Layout

Wang, Shaoying

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Fast readout of identity-related information in multiple images after incidental learning

Cho, Jieun

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Cross-validating the neurofunctional electrophysiological markers of early face categorization

Stacchi, Lisa

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


“Automatic” online corrections during a reaching task are associated with individual differences in executive function.

Striemer, Christopher L.

Action: Reach, grasp, track


Decoding sound content in early visual cortex of aphantasic individuals

Montabes de la Cruz, Belen M.

Visual Memory: Imagery


Task-irrelevant motion information modulates working memory representations

Gamba, Johan A.

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Neural entrainment to imagined rhythms in individuals with proficient imagery ability

Jiang, Fang

Visual Memory: Imagery


Faster categorization of the majority-race faces in a multiracial society

Or, Charles C.-F.

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Minimal influence of suppressed distractors on reaching movements

Ahn, Shinhae

Action: Reach, grasp, track


The neural basis of human unfamiliar face identity recognition with fMRI frequency-tagging

Laurent, Marie-Alphée

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


The oblique effect in visual working memory is enhanced by distraction, regardless of tDCS manipulations

Yörük, Harun

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Object-location binding in visual working memory prevents effective updating

Lout, Eva

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Dynamics of Face Perception: Unraveling the Role of Eyes and Mouth in Neural Processing

Gunindi, Yasemin

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


How the learning of unfamiliar faces is affected by their similarity to already-known faces

Atkinson, Maddie

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Visual cortical contributions to emotional imagery

Cao, Lily

Visual Memory: Imagery


Effective connectivity of the human cortical face network through concurrent intracerebral electrical stimulation and frequency-tagged visual presentation

Angelini, Luna

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


An inhibitory mechanism prevents outdated actions of eye and hand movements

Kuper, Clara

Action: Reach, grasp, track


High resolution imaging of the human prefrontal cortex during working memory

Lu, Zhengang

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Strategically choosing between resetting and updating processes in visual working memory.

Friedman, Shani

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Unraveling the Neural Code for Real Life Facial Expression Perception

Alreja, Arish

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Bayesian inference of perceptual uncertainty, behavioral costs, and prior beliefs for continuous perception-action tasks

Niehues, Tobias F.

Action: Reach, grasp, track


A Change Localization Benefit for Mixed Arrays Over Uniform Arrays

Adekoya, Temilade

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Wavelet-based image decomposition affects SSVEP signal amplitude for face identification

Lamontagne, Jérémy

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Interactions Between Visual Working Memory and Face Perception

Paranjape, Sanika

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Exploring Visual Strategies and their Electrophysiological Correlates in Same and Other-Race Face Processing

Charbonneau, Isabelle

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


Unveiling Mental Imagery: Enhanced Mental Images Reconstruction using EEG and the Bubbles Method

Lamy-Proulx, Audrey

Visual Memory: Imagery


Physically blurred faces are more recognizable at a distance

Yuan, Lei

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


The importance of conceptual knowledge when learning new faces during naturalistic viewing

Noad, Kira

Face and Body Perception: Development, experience


Face-related activity in superior colliculus and temporal cortex of primates

Yu, Gongchen

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


Comparing representational structures for simple and complex stimuli in visual working memory

Longoria-Valenzuela, Isabella

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Building compositional memories and imagery from disentangled latent spaces in an autoencoder

Wyble, Brad

Visual Memory: Imagery


Where in the brain are face form and motion encoded independently?

Soto, Fabian A.

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Lighting conditions affect the selection of contact points when grasping complex 3D shapes

Derzsi, Zoltan

Action: Reach, grasp, track


The Art of Remembering: Applying Visual Design Principles to Memory

Rafiei, Mohsen

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Exploring the relationship between fluid intelligence and visual working memory for simple features vs. real-world objects

Shlipak, Kaira

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Attractor dynamics in morph-shape working memory in macaque prefrontal cortex

Dang, Wenhao

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Language model prediction of visual cortex responses to dynamic social scenes

McMahon, Emalie

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 2


Judging the perceptual similarity of own- and other-race faces

Lall, Megan

Face and Body Perception: Neural mechanisms 1


Object Affordances through the window of Verb Usage Patterns and Behavior

Vaziri-Pashkam, Maryam

Action: Reach, grasp, track


Highly memorable images are easier to perceive

Deng, Will

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features


Visual uncertainty about target and cursor in a continuous psychophysics task differently affect tracking performance

Straub, Dominik

Action: Reach, grasp, track


EEG-based decoding of shapes and their categories in visual working memory

Printzlau, Frida

Visual Memory: Working memory and neural mechanisms, models, decision making


Virtual Reality, real information for action and perception? A VR study.

Foglino, Caterina

Action: Reach, grasp, track


The creation of artwork reveals temporal and spatial properties of memorability

Davis, Trent M.

Visual Memory: Working memory and objects, features