Tuesday Afternoon Posters, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Session: Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title

First Author


Orientation Tuning of Contrast-Sensitive Mechanisms: Insights from Individual Differences

Peterzell, David H.

Spatial Vision: Models

Modulation of Baseline Activity and Associated Receptive Field Dynamics in the Human Visual Cortex via Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Ahn, Jeongyeol

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

How does the early visual cortex cope with mesopic conditions? Evidence for compensatory mechanisms in cortical spatial summation and surround suppression

Klimova, Michaela

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

ssVEP-based estimation of contrast sensitivity, visual acuity and orientation sensitivity further supports the absence of a common factor in vision

Morea, Martina

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Investigating the Temporal Dynamics of LTM-to-VWM Reinstatement During Visual Search

Kespe, Jessica

Attention: Visual search

3D Depth-invariant Learned Spatial Suppression

Chang, Seah

Attention: Visual search

Global perceptual organization attaches target position to the reference frame in the frame effect.

Jiaheng, Xu

Spatial Vision: Models

The Role of Predictive Processing and Perceptual Load in Selective Visual Attention: An Examination with Semantically Salient and Less Salient Distractors

Urgen, Burcu A.

Attention: Capture

Does Inhibition of Return Care About Spatial Frequency ?

Lougen, Daniel

Attention: Capture

Proactive control prevents salience-driven attention capture in a cued go/no-go search task

McDonald, John

Attention: Visual search

How Statistical is “Statistically-Learned” Distractor Suppression?

Stilwell, Brad T.

Attention: Capture

Alpha-Band Phase Modulates Perceptual Sensitivity by Reducing Internal Noise

Pilipenko, April

Spatial Vision: Models

The spatial area that masks a stimulus is largely independent of spatial frequency and eccentricity

Hassan, Aqsa

Spatial Vision: Models

Individual differences in vision: variability rather than noise

Herzog, Michael

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Tracking the capacity bottleneck in multiple-colour search

Wang, Ziyi

Attention: Visual search

Stronger visual surround suppression under psilocybin: A psychophysical and EEG pilot study

Schallmo, Michael-Paul

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

All Eyes on the Animals: Animacy Guides Visual Attention

Yucer, Ece

Attention: Capture

Neural and behavioural effects of visuomotor stimulation during dual response task

Costanzo, Raffaele

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Selection history upweights and downweights attentional priority without modulating perceived salience

McKinney, Molly R.

Attention: Visual search

Ignoring salient distractors inside of the attentional window

Ma, Xiaojin

Attention: Visual search

Using Contingent Capture to Identify the Mechanism of Learned Relevance on Attention

Carlisle, Nancy

Attention: Capture

A “back-pocket” model of V1 orientation processing predicts curvature blindness

Dakin, Steven

Spatial Vision: Models

Do Implicit Color-Emotion Associations Modulate Distractor Suppression?

Secrest, William

Attention: Visual search

Searched but never found: Attentional control settings are pruned based on interactions with the external environment

Joubran, Samantha

Attention: Visual search

Orientation Decoding from Neuronal Populations in Macaque V1: An External Noise Investigation

Yu, Cong

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

From Capture to Control: Initial Capture Leads to Learned Suppression

Zhang, Yue

Attention: Visual search

Electrophysiological markers of distractor suppression are interactively shaped by search mode and distractor salience

Duncan, Dock

Attention: Capture

Stimulus-Dependent Variability in Population Receptive Field Mapping

Windischberger, Christian

Spatial Vision: Models

Validating run-to-run variability simulations for population receptive fields (pRF) mapping

Mittal, Siddharth

Spatial Vision: Models

Exploring Individual Differences in Reliance on AI-Assisted Visual Search

Bancilhon, Melanie

Attention: Visual search

Optimizing memory task ratio and disentangling precision and guidance

Kaynar, Mihrican Yaren

Attention: Capture

Situating Redundancy Masking in the visual pathways

Gomes Tomaz, Ângela

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Salience does not always equal distraction

York, A. Kane

Attention: Capture

Attentional capture vs. attentional bias: Novel evidence for the Priority Accumulation Framework and dissociation between exogenous and endogenous control of overt attention.

Sasi, Mor

Attention: Capture

Exploring the flip tilt illusion in central vision by impairing the top-down feedback via backward masking

Zhaoping, Li

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Contrast impacts population heterogeneity of orientation tuning in V1

Emerson, Joseph

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Foveal visual acuity and the jitter aftereffect

Sigda, Lauren

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

Spatiofeatural receptive field modeling of primate IT cortex neurons

Jagadeesh, Akshay V

Spatial Vision: Models

What is feature-general suppression and do people actually use it?

Savelson, Isaac

Attention: Visual search

Orientation columns in V1 cannot be detected with fMRI at 0.6 mm resolution

Olman, Cheryl

Spatial Vision: Neural mechanisms

How do relative features guide attention in visual search?

Becker, Stefanie

Attention: Visual search