Saturday Afternoon Posters, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author



Characterising the statistical image properties of materials in the STUFF dataset

A-Izzeddin, Emily J.

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Temporal Contour Integration in Children with Amblyopia

Chen, Yan-Ru

Temporal Processing: Clinical


Can fear learning via mental imagery affect subsequent attention?

Grégoire, Laurent

Attention: Reward


Spatial Distribution of Visual Attention in Children and Teens

Canto-Pereira, Valeria Reis do

Attention: Divided, tracking


Individual differences in color perception with novel color axes

Hirano, Jin

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


The influence of temporal context on vision over multiple time scales

Rideaux, Reuben

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Decoding eye closed gaze position using DeepMReye

Kling, Sina M

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

Neural mechanisms of social contingency perception in communicative interactions: an fMRI study

Zhang, Ting

Motion: Biological, self-motion


Defining a functional hierarchy of millisecond time: from stimulus processing to duration perception

Fortunato, Gianfranco

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Mental Rotation: Sex and STEM Differences

Hanan, Raevan

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

Banyan Breezeway

Complexity is a cognitive universal: Evidence from cross-modal transfer

Boger, Tal

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


Attention modulates neural representations for visual features with multiple manifestations along the visual hierarchy

Zhang, Xiaoli

Attention: Neural, spatial


Probing the Neural Basis of Visual Abstraction: Macaques and ANN Models Achieve Similar Sketch Recognition Performance

Qudrat, Umael

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Artificial Fixation Points- Are They Generalizable?

Bhimani, Ali

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Diversity in Motion Adaptation: a clinical perspective

Rodrigues, Renell

Motion: Illusions


Dissociation between the processing of spatial frequencies vs scale in visual word recognition

Bertrand Pilon, Clémence

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Audio blanking effect of saccadic suppression of target displacement

Chow, Hiu Mei

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


Critical fusion frequency dependence on stimuli orientation in the perception of duty cycle variable flashing dots

Oikawa, Kotaro

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Serial Dependence Under Uncertainty: The Roles of Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Positive Evidence

Little, Zoe

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Spatio-chromatic cues in shape and material perception

Goll, Zoe R.

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Exploring attentional repulsion for faces: targets shift away from similar distractors during search

Fang, Yifan

Attention: Divided, tracking


Dissociating reward and arousal effects by EEG alpha power but not pupillary responses

Nakashima, Yusuke

Attention: Reward


The influence of action video game play on critical flicker fusion

Gardner, Colin R.

Temporal Processing: Clinical


Increasing within-hemifield matching with eccentricity in quartets apparent motion

Choe, Eunhye

Motion: Illusions


Border ownership selectivity differs with cell class in visual area V4

Azadi, Maryam

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

When tracking just one predictable and slow object is very hard: A constraint from structured representation of an orbit

Wu, Qihan

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

Banyan Breezeway

Does human right frontal eye field (rFEF+) play a critical role in exogenous attention? A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) study

Chen, Qingyuan

Attention: Neural, spatial


A new technique for understanding how theory-based factors combine to control eye movements

Leite, Abe

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

The influence of realistic optic flow and ecological self-motion statistics on optic flow tuning in deep neural networks

Lyon, Alexander

Motion: Biological, self-motion


Color Afterimage is Based on the Color You Perceive Rather than the Actual Color of the Object.

Kittikiatkumjorn, Neeranuch

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Eye movements Affect Heading Perception from Optic Flow

Anderson, Matthew

Motion: Biological, self-motion


Functionally active representations in working memory can override serial dependence in perception

Trübutschek, Darinka

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Somatosensory response to visual objects: cross-modal processing of grasp-related features revealed by MEG

Marchioro, Margherita

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Effects of luminance, texture and blur on classification of image patches as changes in material or illumination

Sterk, Eden E.

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Pink illusion, white shift

Anstis, Stuart

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


The effect of attention on speed and time perception

Kong, Garry

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Eye-Tracking-BIDS: the brain imaging data structure extended to gaze position and pupil data

Szinte, Martin

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

Emotion-induced blindness effect from erotic images is not caused by distinctive low-level image features

Saunders, Jeff

Attention: Reward


Emotional arousal modulates the gain of contrast responses in human LGN

Sun, Chenanke

Attention: Neural, spatial


Font Size, X-Height, and Readability: How Typography Affects Reading Speed Across Different Sizes

Sawyer, Ben

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Fading enhancement? Exploring the impact of touch timing on target enhancement in multiple-object tracking (MOT)

Terry, Mallory E.

Attention: Divided, tracking


Investigating Attentional Repulsion as a Mechanism for Anisotropic Position Shifts around Moving Objects

Shams, Mohammad

Motion: Illusions


Audiovisual integration in Musicians: improved precision and flexibility in audiovisual temporal processing.

Jeon, Subin

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


Temporal network dynamics in the intact hemisphere following pediatric cortical resection

Robert, Sophia

Temporal Processing: Clinical


World-Centric Induced Cardinal Biases in 3D Object Orientation Perception

Sena, Anantaporn

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

Banyan Breezeway

Navigating Uncertainty: The Role of Perceptual Certainty in Serial Dependence

Ai, Muzhen

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

The impact of visual object perception on the design of writing systems across languages

Ismail-Beigi, Roxana

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

Banyan Breezeway

An investigation of perceptual experience in hue-rotated Altered Reality

Konakanchi, Yesesvi Somayaji

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Impaired local perception for visual word forms in developmental dyslexia

Hung, Shao-Chin

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Substance-invariant processing for judgments of frontal plane distance, centroids, numerosity, and large-letter identity.

Sperling, George

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Flow parsing as a causal source separation process allows for fast and parallel object and self-motion estimation

Scherff, Malte

Motion: Biological, self-motion


Reduced inhibitory control in Parkinson disease as revealed by saccadic inhibition

Cafaro, Celeste

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

The Impact of Attentional Fluctuations on Performance in an Image Flanker Task

Nisenbaum, Avalon

Attention: Divided, tracking


The Object of Time: Temporal Perception of Objects is Improved by Proximity and Singularity

Ma, Alex

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Dividing Attention Between Vision and Audition in Spatial Localization Tasks

Knickel, Taylor J.

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


Seeing invisible material from visible image features

Sawayama, Masataka

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Exogenous attention alters the gain of the contrast response in human early visual cortex

Cho, Sanga

Attention: Neural, spatial


Using Virtual Patients to Predict Perceptual Performance after Optogenetic Sight Recovery

Mohan, Vaishnavi B

Temporal Processing: Clinical


No evidence for location-specific main sequence modulation by monetary reward

Grzeczkowski, Lukasz

Attention: Reward


Motion induced positional shift is modulated by attentional load

Kim, Minwoo J.B.

Motion: Illusions



Wang, Zhenni

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Limbus segments are a potential alternative to P-CR signals for gaze estimation

Willeford, Kevin

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

Effect of gain adaptation on postural sway

Teng, Xue

Motion: Biological, self-motion


The rosy-fingered dawn: two problems in quantifying color constancy

Reeves, Adam

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Reproducibility of Temporally Evolving Seizure Patterns and Network Connectivity across Multiple Seizure Onsets in Human Focal Epilepsy

Wei, Yaohong

Temporal Processing: Clinical


Repulsion from and attraction towards previous stimuli and responses depend on response type and stimulus duration

Can, Mert

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Material appearance affects object recognition

Kilic, Fatma

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Sleep profoundly alters corticothalamic responses to visual stimuli.

Cicero, Nicholas G

Attention: Neural, spatial


Attention to shape or location enhances spatial discrimination in ventral areas: A 1-back fMRI study

Lee, Sung-Mu

Attention: Divided, tracking


Quantifying phosphene size using MRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation to primary visual cortex

Cohan, Remy

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Priming with Furrow illusion demonstrates contributions of conscious motion perception to visually guided action

Persuh, Marjan

Motion: Illusions


Physical exertion and selection history modulate behavioral and neural signatures of sustained attention

Machniak, Emily

Attention: Reward


Linking font legibility and preference

cha, yeha

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring the Neural Correlates of Crossmodal Illusory Perception

Krisst, Lara C.

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


The impact of font on typo detection: a novel visual search paradigm

Heffernan, Emily

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Repulsive serial dependence from a binocular mechanism

Collins, Thérèse

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Pressure in the Spotlight: How Monitoring and Outcome Pressures Impact Time-Sharing Performance

Oksama, Lauri

Attention: Divided, tracking



Drisdelle, Brandi Lee

Attention: Neural, spatial


Time from a Different Angle: How the angularity of shapes affect time perception

Macedo, Giuliana

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Visual Temporal Processing Deficits in Concussion-Related Motion Sensitivity

Frattini, Davide

Temporal Processing: Clinical


Fixation biases towards faces in complex scenes in ASD and ADHD

Linka, Marcel

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

The Strength of Simultaneous Color Contrast Increases with Age and Reduced Chromatic Sensitivity: Evidence for Compensatory Developmental Processes?

Grasso, Paolo Antonino

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


When it’s hard to see, what makes us look harder? Shared Mechanisms Between Perceptual Fluency and Cognitive Control

Wiedenmann, Emma S.

Attention: Reward


The Motion Aftereffect in Visual Snow

Montoya, Samantha

Motion: Illusions


Human and machine perception of material similarities

Wijntjes, Maarten

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


How do artificial neural networks (ANNs) respond to audiovisual illusions such as the McGurk effect?

Ma, Haotian

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


Perceptual Filling-in of Motion Speed at the Physiological Blind Spot

Wang, Einstina

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Good intentions: Observers prefer viewing moving shapes which look goal-directed

Nguyen, Hong B

Motion: Biological, self-motion


Microsaccades strongly modulate but do not necessarily cause the N2pc EEG marker of visual-spatial attention shifts as studied in perception and in working memory

van Ede, Freek

Attention: Neural, spatial


Material image morph and binocular integration

Sun, Hua-Chun

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


The interplay between attention and audio-visual object storage in working memory

Arslan, Ceren

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


The role of luminance contrast in motion silencing illusion

Kim, Hyerim

Motion: Illusions


Relational memory for objects in scenes: Eye movements reveal effect of the extent of scene repetition

Albert, Josefine

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Banyan Breezeway

Psychophysics of variable fonts: Do multiple font features interact to impact readability?

Guidi, Silvia

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Individual differences in focal colors and color naming

Simoncelli, Camilla

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Training-induced recovery of motion perception after occipital stroke despite V1-V4 damage

Lam, Niki

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Magnitude of target-distractor correlation during RSVP influences target perception

Maslowski, Michele

Attention: Divided, tracking


Within-Subject manipulations of proactive control do not change negative templates benefits: Exploring the effect of reward on negative and positive cues

Tong, Matthew

Attention: Reward


Set size and delay duration interact in influencing serial dependence in visual working memory

Lee, Alan L. F.

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Predicted timing of sound influences ambiguous perception in the bounce/stream illusion

Jung, Yuyeon

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Functional contribution of the superior parietal lobule to vision

Pisella, Laure

Attention: Divided, tracking


Autistic and schizotypal traits predict weighting of sensory evidence and perceptual priors in visual causality judgments

Marsicano, Gianluca

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Banyan Breezeway

Neural Representations of Visual Stimuli Exhibit a Left Visual Field Bias

Yang, Shengxing

Attention: Neural, spatial


Quantification of white-matter connectivity in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex

Lei, Yongning

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Visual Adaptation of Complex Material Appearances

Liao, Chenxi

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Touching Sounds: Examining How the Amount of Audio-Visual Exposure Influences the Development of Audio-Tactile Sound-Shape Correspondences

Ciaramitaro, Vivian M

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


How ensemble temporal statistics influence duration perception of visual events

Centanino, Valeria

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Understanding the representational geometry of psychological and neural spaces across multiple similarity dimensions.

Gamba, Johan A.

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Communicating about color and texture

Brown, Angela

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Stroboscopic hallucination spatial frequency corresponds to strobe stimulation temporal frequency

Heller, Nathan H.

Motion: Illusions


Oscillatory Traveling Waves in Visual Search

Kong, Yue

Attention: Neural, spatial


Monocular Advantage for Multiple Object Tracking

Zheng, Guiping

Attention: Divided, tracking


Perceived Animacy from Global and Local Image Distortions

Türkmen, Emre

Color, Light and Materials: Surfaces and materials


Development of the NBT-53 Texture Library for the Study of Texture Semantics

Chinni, Anna

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Visual auditory integration in simulated and native ultra low vision

xu, Yi

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


A distinct functional role of primary visual and medial premotor cortex in visual duration processing

Bueti, Domenica

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


Simultaneous response, without suppression, to multiple words within the visual word form area

Chauhan, Vassiki

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

The impact of different colours of noise on visual acuity

van Boxtel, Jeroen

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Saccade with or without an N2pc: A Unified Computational Theory of Covert and Overt Attention

Tam, Joyce

Attention: Neural, spatial


Visual Identity of Objects Facilitates Early Auditory Processing of Congruent Sound

Wu, Mincong

Multisensory Processing: Audiovisual integration


Affective color scales for visualizations of continuous data

Braun, Halle

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


CDA flip between hemispheres reflects the immediate demands of attentional tracking across visual fields

Chen, Huiqin

Attention: Divided, tracking


Testing the limits of temporal phase perception of isoluminant color modulation

Song, Jaeseon

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


On the role of color in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings

Strafforello, Ombretta

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


Stimulus-Independent Modulation of Cerebellar Neural Activity by Visual Spatial Attention

Qiu, Brenda (Siyue)

Attention: Neural, spatial


The Impact of Font Weight on Expressiveness Beyond Latin: Insights from Arabic and English

Atilgan, Nilsu

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Time-bound: Shared Temporal Limits in Visual and Auditory Phase Perception

Lisech, Andrew

Temporal Processing: Duration, timing perception


The influence of unfamiliar letter string orientation on crowding effects in Japanese reading

Maruya, Kazushi

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway

Selective activation of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) mediates N-back task performance as a measure of working memory

Suzuki, Yuta

Color, Light and Materials: Adaptation, constancy and cognition


The role of experience with visual and linguistic factors on skipping behavior during reading in teen and adult readers

Stoops, Anastasia

Object Recognition: Reading

Banyan Breezeway