Monday, May 24, 2021, 8:45 – 10:45 AM EDT
Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 2:30 – 4:30 PM EDT
Organizer: Arash Akbarinia, Vivian Paulun, Guido Maiello, Kate Storrs, University of Giessen
Since 2004, the European Summer School, Visual Neuroscience From Spikes to Awareness, has taught many neuroscientists with a broad background. This event aims to reunite all the former alumni and trainees by presenting a number of exciting projects triggered at the Rauischholzhausen Castle. We also encourage the participation of prospective attendees who would like to learn about this Summer School, the various opportunities it offers, and the synergistic community it fosters. Alumni from all generations are invited to present their multidisciplinary, more-or-less scientific final projects. We hope there will be at least one contribution from every year of the summer school. This could be the final fun project or anything else you come up with, such as your favorite pictures from the summer school or a ‘How It Started … How It’s Going’ of the attendees, be creative! The bottom line is to meet and catch up, so please do join us.