2016 Meet the Professors

Monday May 16, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Breck Deck North

Students and postdocs are invited to the first VSS “Meet the Professors” event between 5:00 and 6:00 pm on Monday night (Demo night). This will be an opportunity for a free-wheeling, open-ended discussion with members of the VSS Board and a number of other professors. You might chat about science, the meeting, building a career, or whatever comes up. Participants must “pre-register” (see Registration form below). You will select a specific professor (So that people can be evenly distributed). After 30 minutes, we will give everyone the option of staying put or moving to another table of their choice.

Note: Members of the VSS Board are indicated with *, in case you have a specific interest in talking to a member of the Board.

Derek Arnold (The University of Queensland) studies links between neural processing and conscious perceptual experience, with specific interests in human time perception, cross modal perception, and perceptual rivalry.

Jan Atkinson (University College – London) studies typical and atypical visual development (including visual attention) in infants and children e.g. Williams syndrome, autism.

Marty Banks (Berkeley) studies depth perception in humans with an emphasis on stereopsis and visual optics. He also works on display development and evaluation and thus has quite a bit of experience with industry.

Eli Brenner* (Free University, Amsterdam) studies how visual information is used to guide our actions

Angela Brown (Ohio State) studies visual sensory development in human infants (basic and clinical), and color vision and color naming in world languages

Marisa Carrasco (NYU) uses human psychophysics, neuroimaging, and computational modeling to investigate the relation between the psychological and neural mechanisms involved in visual perception and attention.

Andrew Glennerster (U. Reading, UK) studies 3D vision in freely moving observers

Mary Hayhoe* (UT-Austin) studies eye movements, visuo-motor control, attention, and memory, especially in natural behaviors.

Steve Most (U New South Wales, Sydney) studies visual attention and awareness, with special interests in the role of emotion and in building bridges between visual cognition and social- and clinical- psychology

Shin’ya Nishida (NTT, Kyoto) studies how we perceive visual movements, time, and object materials.

Jeff Schall* (Vanderbilt) studies the neural and computational mechanisms that guide, control and monitor visually-guided gaze behavior.

Jan Theeuwes (Free University, Amsterdam) studies the control of attention and eye movements

Frank Tong* (Vanderbilt) studies mechanisms of visual perception, attention, object recognition and working memory by applying psychophysical, computational and neuroimaging approaches.

Preeti Verghese* (Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute) studies spatial vision, visual search and attention, as well as eye and hand movements in normal vision and in individuals with central field loss

Andrew Watson* (NASA) studies human spatial, temporal and motion processing, computational modeling of vision, and applications of vision science to imaging technology.

Jeremy Wolfe* (Harvard Med & Brigham and Women’s Hospital) studies visual attention and visual search with a special interest in socially important tasks like cancer screening in radiology.

Yaoda Xu (Harvard) studies the neural mechanisms mediating mid- to high-level visual object representations in the human brain and the interactions of these representations with attention, visual short-term memory and task performance.