Visual Rehabilitation

Time: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 12:00 – 1:30 pm, Room 315 (Fort Lauderdale Convention Center)
Chair: Pascal Mamassian, University of Glasgow
Dennis Levi, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley
Krystel R. Huxlin. Flaum Eye Institute, University of Rochester
Arash Sahraie. College of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Aberdeen

Every year, VSS and ARVO collaborate in a symposium – VSS at ARVO or ARVO at
VSS – designed to highlight and present work from one society at the annual
meeting of the other. This year’s symposium is at ARVO.

Experience-dependent plasticity is closely linked with the development of sensory function. However, there is also growing evidence for plasticity in the adult visual system. This symposium re-examines the notions of critical period and sensitive period for a variety of visual functions. One critical issue is the extent to which alternative neural structures are recruited to restore these visual functions. Recent experimental and clinical evidence will be discussed for the rehabilitation of amblyopia and blindsight.